Masters In Creation

Masters in Creation is a collective of 6 artist (Mic Bminor, Lavay Cole, Kyree Sterling, Your Excellence, Tombstone Chuck, Jim.E.Watts, Ceaseless). Originated in Los Angeles, CA, they all derive from many different interpretations of Hip-Hop. Together, they've fostered legendary mashups of their individual styles to create music that has allowed listeners to experience club-rumbling hits, heartfelt lyrics, and gut-wrenching storylines delivered through memorable compositions.

These artist are not new to fame as they have trended locally with breath-taking performances and before-their-time releases. They've always pushed the musical envelope. They hope to inspire all that listen to care less about general acceptance, and cherish individuality. This is the movement... The Era of the Masters in Creation!

Click Here for a link to stream Masters in Creation Work In Progress